# Docker for local development

Since there are a lot of moving pieces, starting up each web client, server together with mongo database can be challenging. These services should be running at the end of it.

  • Shopping Web Application
  • Shopping Server
  • Admin Web Application
  • Admin Server
  • Redis Server
  • MongoDB

For the local development, you can utilize Docker in your local machine to do all the setup for you. Then, you can directly access the entire application locally without having to go to individual projects and setting it up.

If you do not have Docker in your local machine, go to https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop (opens new window) to download the app.

# Project Setup

# Initiate Docker Process

Prerequisite: You need Docker installed in your local machine and should have access to docker-compose

To install all the necessary components and start your suite of applications, go to Veniqa repo.

> cd <Your Path>/Veniqa

Then, start the setup process by running the following command:

> docker-compose up


You can also use Docker's Buildkit which will make the docker build process significantly faster.

If you want to learn more about Docker Buildkit, refer to this document: https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/build_enhancements/ (opens new window)

If you would like to use the Docker's Buildkit, you can do so by running the following command:


# What is docker-compose doing?

docker-compose is creating multiple images and starting multiple containers each necessary for the application to run. These steps happen with docker-compose:

# Mongo Setup

This step creates a mongo instance in a container. It exposes port 27000 if you want to access mongo through tools like Robo3T or CLI.

# Redis Setup

Redis instance is also created since the application uses session caching. The exposed port is 6379.

# Shopping Server Setup

Shopping Server is also started in a container. It also features hot-reloading. So, every time you make any changes in the server code, it is automatically reflected.

Access: http://localhost:4201 (opens new window)

# Admin Server Setup

Admin Server is also started in a container. It features hot-reloading as well.

Access: http://localhost:4202 (opens new window)

# Shopping Web Client Setup

Shopping Web app is started in a container with hot-reloading enabled.

Access: http://localhost:5201 (opens new window)

# Admin Web Client Setup

Admin Web App is started in a container with hot-reloading as well.

Access: http://localhost:5202 (opens new window)

# Modify the DB and Cache connections

If you want to modify the default instances of using docker's mongo and redis services, you can also provide the connection details to your own DB. To do so, you need to modify the environment variables in docker-compose.yml file in the root of the directory.

# Default logins

# Shopping Platform

You can sign up as a user.

Or duplicate an existing user in mongo users collection and replace the email and password field with email and password hash for the following admin user from admins collection.

# Admin Platform

The following user with SUPERADMIN privilege is available as default.

Email: demo@veniqa.com

Password: pass$12