Official Documentation
Open-source E-commerce Solution.
Built using MEVN Stack (Node.js, Express.js, Vue.js, MongoDB) with Developer Friendliness and Cloud Integrations in mind.
Previously powered the Veniqa New York Startup.
⇨ Appeared as a #1 Trending Github Project Worldwide (02/23/2020)
⇨ Appeared as a #1 Trending Topic on HackerNews (Feb. 2020)
Veniqa.com | Documentation | Quickstart | Sponsor
# Demo 💻
# Shopping Platform (opens new window)
Responsive across all devices
Feel free to sign up and checkout using dummy credit card 4242 4242 4242 4242
# Admin Platform (opens new window)
Currently only responsive for laptop view
Any edit attempts made in demo admin panel are blocked, and will fail.
Demo Credentials
Email: veniqademo@gmail.com
Password: pass$12
# Perfect For Boostrapped Startups & Hacky Engineers 🤓
We love Woocommerce & Squarespace! But vendor lock-in and zero code access isn't for everyone.
With Veniqa, you have choices.
- Launch yourself
- Get a premium support package
- Use the codebase for other projects
# The Suite 📦
- API Server for Shopping Applications | Code (opens new window)
- API Server for Management Applications | Code (opens new window)
- Web Client for Shoppers: | Code (opens new window)
- Web Client for Management: | Code (opens new window)
# Few Things Under The Hood 🏭
# Built using the MEVN Stack & The Usual Suspects
MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, Node.js, Mongoose ORM, Redis, Sendgrid, Nodemailer (for fallback), Stripe.
# Performant & Secure - cause we like it that way
- Distributed requests utilizing all system cores,
- Encrypted authentication and sessions,
- Backend equipped with request rate limiting to prevent scripted attacks and bot crawling,
- Database & file-based logging.
# Built for the Cloud, with developers in mind
- CD/CI friendly codebase and configuration setup,
- Simplified dev-prod and local-cloud switches,
- Docker scripts,
- AWS S3 Integration for cheap image storage.
# Granular controls
- Drag-and-drop design builders for home page customizations,
- Image Editor to edit and preview product images and thumbnails,
- Order tracking at a line item level,
- Tariff support for international shipments,
- Payment accepted in multiple digital forms and currencies powered by Stripe.
# Quickstart for Developers 🔌
You can start up the entire suite of applications using docker
. For more information, go to Quick Start Documentation (opens new window).
# Contribution 🙏
We are looking for contributors to develop extensive test suites, and also address some of the enhancement roadmaps outlined in the issues page. Any Pull Requests/Bug Fixes/Issues found are appreciated.
Refer to the Quickstart Guide above to get up and running in minutes.
# Blame These People For 👇
- (EJ) Vivek Pandey (Platform Architecture, Backend Engineering, DevOps, Data Modeling, & Websites) (opens new window)
- Sujil Maharjan (UX/UI Design, Frontend Engineering) (opens new window)
- Arjun Bastola (Frontend Engineering, Graphics Design) (opens new window)
# Sponsor this Project 👏
Information about sponsorship tiers and benefits are outlined here (opens new window).
# Paypal
100% goes to Veniqa Engineering.
Paypal Email: veniqa.engineering@gmail.com
# OpenCollective
90% goes to Veniqa Engineering.